Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Follow our Blog!

We have added a new feature to our blog for your convenience! You can now follow our blog by email. In the right margin there is a section that says “Follow by Email” with a text box beneath it that says “email address”. By typing in your email address and clicking “submit” you will be notified by email every time we post an update. Once you have clicked “submit”, you will be sent a confirmation email to follow our blog. Make sure you follow the steps in the email to complete the process!

Becky :)


  1. Praying for your journey this morning and for God to be at work in the hearts of those you will soon meet! Isn't it amazing that your journey has already started! "As you go...make disciples." At the airport and on the flights, during the layovers and among the people you meet! God bless you both!

  2. We are so proud of you both. Love you so much!
