Saturday, June 13, 2015

FOCUS Sports Camp

This week we were able to help serve our church and community through FOCUS sports camp. Brandon was an Ultimate Frisbee head coach, Becky was a Dance head coach, Paul was a Basketball head coach, and I was a Soccer head coach. 

Along with the sports we all coached, FOCUS sports camp also offered Karate, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Football, and Baseball for any kid in our community going into 1st-8th grades. 

The things that I like most about outreaches like FOCUS sports camp are that we get to spread the gospel to kids we don't usually get the opportunity to meet. Camps like this are not just about outreach, they really build unity with in the church. All the coaches are meeting daily and have to work together to ensure the camp runs smoothly. The daily worship sessions build MAD unity!! It really is awesome!

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35

Another way we were blessed this week was by the campers raising "coinage" for our Romania mission. The kids brought all their coins to donate and had a contest between the boys and the girls to see who could bring the most. Their goal was to make their coin buckets heavier than Chay, who weighed in at 51.4 lbs. The girls won three days in a row with a final weight of 50 lbs, but the boys made a HUGE come back on the last day with a final weight of 72 lbs!! We want to thank all our campers who donated this week! 

It was a JOY to serve at FOCUS sports camp!

Grace be with you,

the Georgebells

Friday, June 5, 2015

Introducing the GeorgEbells

Introducing the GeorgEbells (pronounced Georgia Bells)

As you can tell -if you have ever followed this blog- things are looking a little different around White Fields & White Flags. To update anyone who doesn’t already know, the Georges (who created and wrote this blog up until this point)

 are being joined in God’s call to minister to people in Romania. Paul and Jessica (myself) and our three children are going with the Georges in full time missions to Romania. 

So what are we all doing?? Paul and Brandon are filling the spot of Student Directors in Draganesti-Olt Romania. We are all excited to come along side Hope Church in Romania to reach out to the 1500 youth in the high schools in the surrounding area. We are sad to be leaving the youth group that God has blessed us with being able to serve 

but again VERY EXCITED to bring along our youth pastor’s daughter (and dear friend) Shelby Smith. Shelby will lovingly help take care of our children while Brandon, Becky, Paul, and I take language learning lessons.

Please pray for us!! Our major prayer requests are:
-tying up loose ends state side 
-continued unity within our families
-travel for us and the team going with us July 9th

Grace be with you,

the Georgebells