Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Changing Season

The seasons are changing. Coming from Texas where we only have two seasons: hot and less hot, I have always thought that “saying” was just a colloquialism; a saying for when people are having major life changes, but here in Romania the seasons are actually changing. ;)

This is really the first year we have had to prepare for winter and we have really noticed it approaching. Back in Texas we would make sure that we had jeans and a jacket. Winter preparation done! Now we are making sure we all have underlays, “regular” winter clothes, jackets, coats, scarfs, hats, mittens, socks, boots. 

Then there is getting the house ready, we are thankful that we have radiators that run on gas so there is less preparation needed than wood burning, just getting them flushed and making sure they are all working. 

One big adjustment we have had to make is line drying all of our clothes. It is wreaking havoc on our laundry schedule. We are very thankful for the sunny days, but when it rains can take up to three days to dry. Also, it is very humid here like 98% humidity on some days so we are constantly saying, “Are these clothes wet or just cold?” 

I know it may sound weird, but thankfully God has given me a nostalgia for “the olden days” and a husband who isn’t a neat freak. :) So, most days when I see the laundry hanging I am thinking, “Look, we are actually doing it, we are missionaries!! Its so beautiful.”

Really all the preparation for winter reminds me how God is preparing us for Himself, through sanctification. Just like we have earthly seasons, God has made HIS creation to have season. How great the season of Christ's return will be!

Grace be with you,

The Georgebells

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