We have spent the past week in Rosiori (pronounced Row-shore) holding a summer camp for a group of 30 girls from the girls orphanage in Alexandria. The set up of this orphanage is similar to the orphanage in Rosiori. They have a few kids divided into different apartments. From what I have seen so far this divided apartment living has a lot of benefits for the kids. The apartments feel more home-y, and the kids seem to learn more about helping each other out. As opposed to having 60-80 kids in one area with limited supervision. Almost all of the girls we were working with had some kind of disability or some kind of special need including speech impediments, cleft lips and pallets, behavioral problems and cognitive impairments. But they were all very well behaved and were excited to come to camp with us.
The girls were divided into two groups of 15. The first group came on Monday & Tuesday and the second group came on Wednesday & Thursday. The theme for this VBS summer camp was Kingdom Rock. It is a really great curriculum with lots of great bible stories, activities and crafts. April, one of the H2H summers interns, was the MC for the summer camps. She welcomed the girls every morning, participated in the opening skits and read the daily bible point and memory verse. She spoke in English and one of the H2H staff translated everything to the kids. They all did such a great job, the girls really enjoyed the skits and learning the motions for the memory verses.
Lady April & Sir Wally - Kingdom Rock Skits
VBS Games
Some of my favorite moments from last week happened during the bible story time. The first day we talked about King David and Psalm 23. Sanda was the bible story leader and the way that she talked with the girls was so loving, intentional, peaceful and exciting. She talked about the times David felt peace and the times that he felt alone and scared but through it all God was His strength. These brought up great discussions and the girls were open and sharing about things from their own life. We also got to speak blessings over each girl. Sanda brought scented oil to rub on their hands and foreheads as we prayed over them. The room was filled with such joy and excitement. The girls could not get enough of the oil and the way it smelt. They wanted us to put it all over them. The girls of coarse did not know what I was praying over them because I did not have a translator, but I was praying that God would give them peace and understanding in the hearts. It was such a special moment.
During that time we also prayed over a girl named Mimosa. She is very sick and was in a lot of pain. A few years ago she was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and they said she does not have much more time to live. It’s by God’s grace that she has lived as long as she has. Her abdomen was very swollen and she was rocking and crying most of the day because of the pain. She grabbed my hand at the beginning of the day and placed it on her back. She hardly speaks but H2H staff told me that she feels better when someone rubs her back. So I sat with her as much as I could during the day to rub her back. During that time I was praying over her and asking God to relieve her pain and bring her joy. I was thankful that something as simple as rubbing her back could bring her at least some relief. I didn’t need any kind of special training for that, I just needed my hands.
Blessings & Prayer
On the second day during bible study we talked about how Jesus died on the cross for us. For all the bad things we have done and will do. Sanda asked the girls if they had ever done anything wrong and their answers were so humble. They talked about how they fight with each other and beat each other up, some girls talked about how they do not treat the other girls very kindly. Some of the H2H staff, interns and short term team members were able to share how they make mistakes too. And the girls seemed so surprised to hear that. I think it was very freeing for them to know that we did not view our selves as better than them. It was a great reminder for them and for the team members that we are all human and that God has grace on all of us. And that He does not love some more than others. His love is deep. At the beginning of the lesson Sanda had everyone write their name on a small piece of paper. After we talked about how God died on the cross for all of us she had each girl come to the front and place their name on a large wooden cross. It was very moving to see all of the names on the cross. It was a great visual for the girls.

The Cross & The Girls
I assisted Rebecca in the mission station. We explained what a missionary is and how we can be a missionary at home or far away. During the first 2 days our focus was Mexico and the other 2 days were Africa. Rebecca had a powerpoint presentation about each country filled with facts and pictures about each place. On the first day in the mission station we made bracelets for kids in Mexico and little cards to tell them that we are praying for them. And on the third day we hand sewed tiny purses for the kids in Africa along with a card. The girls were so selfless when they were preparing these small gifts. And they were excited to be able to give them something to encourage them and let them know they are cared for. It really amazed me how well they were able to sew. We were thinking that the craft might be a little to difficult and take too much time. But it was just the right fit for them.
Mission Station - Purse Sewing
At the end of the week we traveled back to Bucharest to help with the summer camps that they were holding at the orphanage in Volentari (pronounced Vol-in-tarr). The set up for this camp was similar to the one in Rosiori but at the end of the week they took groups of 10-11 kids to the team house to go swimming. This is such a special treat for the kids because they do not go swimming often. And most of them do not know how to swim. We definitely had our work cut out for us when we were swimming with them. We had to have 3 adults in the swimming pool at all times along with about 5-6 other people either in the pool or around the edge. It was a sight to see. Some kids were very timid and were very unsure about getting in the water while others could not wait to jump in. I was swimming with a small boy named Darius who is about 4 or 5 years old. The water was chilly and he did not want to get in. But I walked him slowly to the deep end until he got use to the water and then the fun began. He started off with 2 floaty rings around his waist and water wings on his arm. And the more comfortable he got in the water the more floaties he took off. And then I persuaded him to jump into the water. Once he realized that we would catch him and pull him out of the water no matter what, there was no turning back. And that is what he did for the next 2 hours. The same thing happened with a lot of the other kids too... sometimes even when we were not watching them.

Swimming Party
As I said before, we definitely had our work cut out for us! Towards the end of the pool party Darius grew very fond of one of the short term team members named Taylor. Taylor would follow Darius around the pool as he would jump and he would pull him out and Darius thought it was the best thing in the world. It was so fun to watch their trust in us grow and that was a big step for some of them. It took a lot of courage for them to even jump in the water. One boy wanted so badly to jump in the deep end but when he got to the edge he would bend his knees and then he would freeze up and start shaking because he was so freighted. So he would try again and the same thing would happen. So we cheered him on and reassured him that we would be there to catch him. And we cheered even louder when he finally gained the courage to jump in. I love these sweet moments with the kids. God has been showing me something through every interaction we have with the them. About trust, faith, courage and about love. I am so thankful for all the opportunities He continually gives me to see Him and know Him more.

Darius & Taylor
Our time here has been so amazing. We have been through some much already and we still have 1 month to go. I am praying that these next few weeks will not pass by too quickly. God has given us great friendship here with the kids and with all the H2H staff, interns and short term team members. I am sad to say that one of the summer interns, April, will be going home on wednesday. I am thankful for the time that God has given us together, but I will miss her very much!
Thank you for all of your support and for your prayers. We are thankful to have such great family and friends who encourage us and support us
in following God where ever He leads!
Prayer Requests
There are 3 more weeks of summer camps - so we are praying that God will give us wisdom and strength to teach and encourage all the kids.
For continued unity through out the team members
And that we will continue to seek God and follow Him in all that we do.
Brandon & Becky